This Week at Stratton School- February 24, 2025
February 25th, 2025
Happening This Week:
- Monday February 24
- Wednesday February 26
- UMaine HEALTHY research team visits grades 3-8 lunch for taste testing smoothies
- Grades 5-8 participate in the 2025 Maine Integrated Youth Health Survey. Please contact your child’s teacher or the principal if you DO NOT want your child participating in this survey.
- Thursday February 27
- Joy and Finn the therapy dog visit
- Friday February 28
- Trimester 2 ROAR Assembly- 2:00 in the gym
Upcoming Dates:
- Monday March 3
- Ski/Skate Day 6- this will be our final ski/skate day for the season
- Tuesday March 4
- Sewing club begins- 2:30-4:30, open to grades 5-8, contact Anne Flight to sign up:
- Friday March 7
- Tuesday March 11
- Fly Fishing Workshop Day for grades 6-8, at the school
- Wednesday March 12
- Winter Sports Assembly @ 1:30 in the gymnasium
- Girls Talk at the Community Building
- Thursday March 13
- Early Release- dismissal at 11:30
- Friday March 14
- Workshop Day- no school for students
- Monday March 17
- 6:00pm MTA here to talk with 8th graders about High School
More Information:
Ski/Skate Program:
Program Information:
- The program costs $7 per week and can be paid weekly or in full at the end of the program.
- Dates:
- January 13
- January 27
- February 3
- February 10
- February 24
- March 3
- March 10 (as a makeup day, if needed)
- Please send a note with your child for dismissal plans other than taking the bus back to school
- Pick up times:
- School- 4:15
- Outdoor Center- 3:30
- Sugarloaf (Rentals)- 3:45
Trimester 2 ROAR Assembly
Winter Sports Assembly
February 2025 Lunch Menu
February 2025 Breakfast Menu
UMaine HEALTHY Research Study:
We are participating in a research study titled HEALTHY as an extension to the work we have done with the Maine Farm to School Institute.
They will be joining us during lunch (grades 3-8) throughout the spring to collect data as well as provide some healthy taste tests.
Please take a moment to give opt-in parental consent at the following link: (it only takes about 1 minute). This study is for students in grades 3-8.
Attached is a letter from UMaine researchers with more information about this study.
Sewing Club: