Stratton School, located in Franklin County, serves grades PreK-8. Their school promotes caring,
experiential, supportive, creative, and responsible learning. Having STEM activities and lessons
incorporated builds on those values and allows students to not only work together but also have
fun! Twice a month, grades 1 and 2 participate in Timberland Tuesday STEM activities together.
Mrs. Emery’s Grade 1 students have been busy this year! They have built sand structures and
observe the effects of water erosion, built reindeer pens, participated in a Winter Scavenger
Hunt, and built catapults to launch marshmallows and pom-poms. With the recent
snowstorms, students designed and built cardboard sleds. Then put them to test outside.
Mrs. Leander’s Grade 2 students learned about engineering. Using K’Nex kits, students
designed and built bridges. Grade 2 is also using the Knex bridge kits for science. Over the
course of 4-5 weeks, students learn about and build four types of bridges: Beam, Arch,
Suspension, and Truss. They are learning the parts of a bridge, new vocabulary such as load,
deck, span, and pier. Students learn about why there are different types of bridges, and the
forces they are built to withstand.
See more posts in A Look at Student Life.