The school social work program encompasses crisis intervention, meeting with students and weekly visits to classes. I meet with students individually and in small groups to address and problem-solve issues and concerns which are keeping students from meeting their academic goals. Whole group classes are conducted on a weekly basis to teach Second Steps Curriculum in both social-emotional learning as well as bullying prevention. When students are in crisis and their personal safety is in question, immediate assessment, intervention and parental notification is also the role of the school social worker.
I am happy to collaborate with parents/guardians on both student and family needs and to make referrals for community resources such as mental health, MaineCare and TANF. I also serve as the McKinney Vento Homeless Liaison for our school district.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns that may arise.
Email or call: 207-246-2283
For a list of community resources please see link below:
McKinney Vento Homeless Education Information-educational rights
Middle School Misfortunes Then and Now, One Teacher’s Take — Wait Until 8th