This Week at Stratton School- October 23, 2023

School News

October 23rd, 2023

Happening This Week:

Upcoming Dates:

Other Update/Pics

Middle School students have been busy in Art class designing and creating scarecrows.

K-2 October Discovery Detour: Pumpkins, Pumpkins, Pumpkins!

Students in K-2 read “How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin” by Margaret McNamara and then made guesses of which pumpkin they thought would have the most seeds. Students worked together to remove the seeds from 3 pumpkins, the seeds were then roasted, and then students worked in groups to count the seeds by making groups of 10. To many of their surprise, the smallest pumpkin actually had the most seeds!

Students creating colorful leaf rubbings during a garden lesson!

Stratton PTC Halloween Carnival is this coming Saturday 10/28 4-7 at the Community Building! If you would like to volunteer to help the day before with set up, or day of needs, or donating a food item please reach out to the PTC either by messaging them on Facebook, email, or fill out this Google Form.

See more posts in School News.