This Week at Stratton School- September 11, 2023

School News

September 11th, 2023

Happening This Week:

Upcoming Dates:

Other Updates/Pics

Stratton School Garden and Nutrition Program News:

Harvest of the Month

This year we are participating in the Maine Harvest of the Month program. July was Maine summer squash, we received donations of local squash and served during the Summer Food Program. We also received some right before school started, so during lunch on the first week we had some roasted summer squash. August’s harvest was Maine cucumbers and we served some fresh cucumbers from our own school garden as a side during lunch. This month the harvest is Maine tomatoes, we have some amazing tomatoes growing in the grow dome that are almost ripe and will be showcasing them on students plates very soon!

The gardens are in full splendor!

As the school year got underway students started garden lessons with Mrs Ray. The grow dome is lush with greenery and fresh produce and the garden beds are producing beautiful flowers and veggies. Students lessons included reviewing ROAR expectations while in the garden area as well as harvesting some vegetables and seeds to plant next year.

See more posts in School News.